Structure Design

Since 1998, Special Structures Lab has provided design and analysis services to many areas of industry, specifically the events and construction sectors. Working to all International and Euro Codes, we design both temporary and permanent structures in a wide range of materials including steel, concrete, timber, aluminium and composites. We provide a complete package including design, prototype, provide manufacturing information such as steelwork design and fabric membrane connections and project management through to initial installation.

Special Structures Lab builds structures with and for clients, other engineers and manufacturers.

Find in-depth information about our specialist services here >

Tension Membrane Design

Engineering of fabric membranes requires expertise in two primary areas; the conceptual design and analysis of stressed skin structures, and in the use of advanced geometry manipulation in the manufacture of the built form. In order to realise these complex three-dimensional forms, it is necessary to predominantly use computer modelling techniques.

Compared to traditional buildings, fabric structures and components present a unique set of design challenges. The absence of bending resistance requires designers to work within the constraints of feasible membrane equilibrium shapes. The structure can be considered in equilibrium when all forces and reactions balance each other out so that there is no net change. Membrane forms are usually complex, doubly curved surfaces which must be pretensioned in such a way as to resist applied environmental loading such as wind and snow.  With a wealth of information at hand, every performance characteristic can be assessed.

The post analysis form can be exported to visualisation packages to create photo realistic visuals and animated fly-throughs which provide an unparalleled opportunity for anyone to view the design as close as possible to real-life.

Our design team has developed specialised techniques for shape modelling, material testing procedures, structural analysis, cutting pattern generation, membrane seaming machinery and manufacturing techniques.

Read more about our design ethos here. Choose below to see examples of our tensile structure designs, from our portfolio.



On-Site Inspection + Testing


Specialist Software